
Simple, Flexible Pricing, and Access All 134 APIs
Free Trial
$ 0

500 Bonus Tokens

  • 50 Tokens /mo

  • Access All 134 APIs

  • Unlim End Users

  • 3 Enabled APIs

  • Rate Limited

  • Development Use

  • No Commercial Use

  • No Support

  • No Data Caching

  • Overage Allowance

$ 19.99

No contract, cancel anytime

  • 20,000 Tokens /mo

  • Access All 134 APIs

  • Unlim End Users

  • Unlim Enabled APIs

  • No Rate Limit

  • Production Use

  • Commercial Use

  • Basic Support

  • No Data Caching

  • Overage Allowance

$ 39.99

No contract, cancel anytime

  • 45,000 Tokens /mo

  • Access All 134 APIs

  • Unlim End Users

  • Unlim Enabled APIs

  • No Rate Limit

  • Production Use

  • Commercial Use

  • Premium Support

  • Data Caching

  • Overage Allowance

$ 159.99

No contract, cancel anytime

  • Tokens /mo

  • Access All 134 APIs

  • Unlim End Users

  • Unlim Enabled APIs

  • No Rate Limit

  • Production Use

  • Commercial Use

  • Premium Support

  • Data Caching

  • Overage Allowance

Compare Our Plans

See what APIs you have access to, depending on your plan

Free Trial Starter Pro Mega
Age Calculator API
Air Quality API
Airports Lookup API
App Store Scraper API
Baby Name Generator API
Bible API
BIN Lookup API
BMI Calculator API
Card Generator API
Card Validator API
Chuck Norris Jokes API
Cities Lookup API
Cloud Counter API
Cocktail Recipe API
Color Converter API
Color Palette Generator API
Company Name Generator API
Contact Extractor API
Coordinates Are Sea API
Country Lookup API
County Data Lookup API
Currency Converter API
Currency Symbols API
Dad Jokes API
Date Calculator API
Dictionary API
Disposable Email Checker API
Distance Calculator API
DNS Lookup API
Dog Breeds API
Domain Availability API
Domain Expiration API
Email Validator API
Emoji Lookup API
Exercises API
Fully Qualified Domain API
Gender Detector API
Gold Price API
Gravatar Lookup API
Hashtag Generator API
Historical Events API
Horoscope API
HTML to Text API
Image to Text API
IP Blacklist Lookup API
IP Lookup API
Keyword Extractor API
Language Detector API
Link Scraper API
Loan Calculator API
Lorem Ipsum Generator API
Lottery Numbers API
Love Calculator API
MAC Address Lookup API
Marine Weather API
Metadata Extractor API
Meteorite Landings API
Moon Phases API
Moon Position API
Moonrise Moonset API
Mortgage Calculator API
Number to Words API
Open Source Licenses API
Parts Of Speech API
Password Generator API
Password Strength API
Periodic Table API
Phone Number Validator API
Play Store Scraper API
Profanity Filter API
QR Code Generator API
Random Data Generator API
Random Facts API
Random Identity Generator API
Random Joke API
Random Pun API
Random Quote API
Random User Generator API
Random Word API
Recipes API
Reverse Geocode API
Rhyming Words API
Routing Number Lookup API
Sales Tax Lookup API
Sentiment Analysis API
SEO Data Scraper API
SEO Validator API
Silver Price API
Spam Detector API
Spell Checker API
SSL Certificate Checker API
Stars Lookup API
Stock Market Open Times API
Street Address Parser API
Sun Position API
Sunrise Sunset API
SWIFT Code Lookup API
Tense Converter API
Text Language API
Text Lemmatizer API
Text Readability Score API
Text Similarity API
Text Summarizer API
Text to Color API
Thesaurus API
Timezone Lookup API
Title Case Converter API
Translator API
Trivia Generator API
Unit Converter API
URL Lookup API
URL Unshortener API
User Agent Generator API
User Agent Parser API
Username Generator API
Username Profanity API
VIN Decoder API
Weather API
Weather Seasons API
Website Readability API
Website Screenshot API
Website to PDF API
Website to Text API
Word Pronunciation API
Words to Numbers API
World Holidays API
World News API
World Time API
Worldwide Earthquakes API
Zip Codes Lookup API
Accepted Payment Methods
  • payment-icon
  • payment-icon
  • payment-icon
Access to All 134 APIs

All plans give you access to all 134 APIs. You can enable or disable any API at any time.

Pay for Successful Calls

You only pay for successful API calls. If the call fails, that call will not count towards your monthly limit.

Looking for an Enterprise Plan?

No problem! You aren't limited to the plans listed above. Get in touch with us for your own custom plan that better suits your business needs

Contact Us


You can find answers to the most common questions about APIVerve below.

1. Is it free to use APIVerve?

Yes, it's free to use APIVerve. You can use our free trial as long as you want for non-commercial and trial purposes. The free trial has some limitations, but you can upgrade to a paid plan at any time.

2. How do I get an API Key?

Once you sign up, you will be able to obtain a free API key from your dashboard. Your API key will be used to authenticate your requests to the APIVerve API.

3. How are payment processed?

We use Stripe to securely process payments. You can pay with any major credit card. We do not store any credit card information on our servers.

4. Can I change my plan?

Absolutely! You can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. You can do this from your dashboard.

5. How do I know my plan usage?

You can view your plan usage from your dashboard. You will be able to see how many requests you have made and how many requests you have left for the month.

4. Can I cancel my plan anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your plan at any time. You will still have access to your plan until the end of your billing cycle.

Have any further questions? Get in Touch